After a very scary night, day 32 was a rather mellow one. For all that have inquired, Adam is doing better. He is home now and enjoying his Christmas, they way he should, with friends and family.
P.J. and Dave barely slept the night of the party, having to wake up and go tailgate for the Lions game. Dave sent us a picture tailgating, enlight of day 32.
Later in the evening Neil and John met up for a few drinks.
I received a message from Marv late at night of this Blue Moon and orange. I met up with him at The Hills in Rochester for brew as well. We all were still quite in shocked and worried for Adam, but much happier knowing he’s doing better.
This 34 Days of Christmas has taken some unexpected turns, good and bad. It’s amazing to see the road we’ve all traveled in such a short amount of time. 2 days left of something that is much bigger than the simplistic idea of drinking, I already miss it…